Scientists, engineers, and researchers/policy makers working in the area of landslide technology, landslide disaster investigation and landslide remediation are encouraged to share their work with the global community by submitting papers and presenting their work at the WLF4. The reviewed contributions to the forum will be published as the forum proceedings by Springer Nature publishing house in a set of five full-color books, covering the forum 5 themes organised in sessions.
The 2nd WLF (Rome 2011) and its seven-volume set of full-color books “Landslide Science and Practice” with 3600+ pages was published by Springer in 2013, and has attracted so far more than amazing 635k downloads and 210 citations (provided by Bookmetrix) – all volumes are covered by SCOPUS database.
The 3rd WLF (Beijing 2014) and its three-volume set of full-color books “Landslide Science for a Safer Geoenvironment” with 2000+ pages was published by Springer in 2014, and has attracted so far 89k downloads (provided by Bookmetrix) – all volumes are covered by SCOPUS database.
A wide audience is expected to attend the Forum with a diverse background and from different regions of the world and with interest into landslide disaster risk reduction:
- UN institutions
- EU institutions and agencies
- National governments and local authorities
- Non-governmental organizations with interest & activities in disaster risk reduction
- International and national civil protection and disaster relief agencies and institutions
- Private sector involved into research, development, and practical applications of technologies and solutions in the field of landslide risk reduction
- Research & academic institutions
- Insurance and re-insurance companies
WLF4 web page searches
This world map shows the distribution of countries where more than 1500 sessions searching the WLF4 web page have been made since April 2016.
to the 4th World Landslide Forum
May 29 – June 2, 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia
Dear Landslide Researchers!
I would like to cordially invite you to be actively involved into the 4th World Landslide Forum that will be held in the Cankarjev dom – Cultural and Congress Centre in Ljubljana, Slovenia, from 29 May to 2 June 2017 under the honorary patronage of His Excellency Mr. Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia.
The event is jointly organized by the International Consortium on Landslides (Kyoto, Japan), the International Programme on Landslides (IPL), the University of Ljubljana and the Geological Survey of Slovenia. The Forum is a contribution to the implementation of the Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction 2015-2030 which was adopted by UN Member States in March 2015 at the Third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (3rd WCDRR) in Sendai City, Japan.
Scientists, engineers, and researchers/policy makers working in the area of landslide technology, landslide disaster investigation and landslide remediation are encouraged to share their work with the global community by submitting papers and presenting their work at the WLF4. Each participant will be given an opportunity to orally present his/her work. The reviewed contributions to the forum will be published as the forum proceedings by Springer Nature publishing house in a set of five full-color books, covering the forum 5 themes, each organized in several parallel technical sessions. The Forum will offer several important events, such as a High Level Panel Discussion of governmental representatives, a Round Table, Photo Contest and Exhibition, Student Award, Technical Exhibition, and three interesting Post-Forum Technical Study Tours.
Sincerely Yours
Matjaž Mikoš, WLF4 Forum Chair
Dean of Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Holder UNESCO Chair on Water-Related Disaster Risk Reduction
University of Ljubljana
A Formal invitation letter
This is a Formal letter of invitation signed by Professor Matjaž Mikoš, WLF4 Forum Chair, and can be used for different purposes, such as registration to WLF4 and similar.
WLF4 Registration
The registration for WLF4 is now open. Click the registration page with all the details and information and proceed to Online Registration Form.
WLF4 Contact
For requests about scientific and other academic issues please contact:
UL FGG – University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, Jamova c. 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia. Please, use the email link above.

The WLF will move from large capital cities (Tokyo, Rome, Beijing) to a capital city (Ljubljana, Slovenia, Europe) with less than 300,000 inhabitants. In the past, human interventions into the environment in Slovenia have been subjected to complex geological conditions, and this is still true despite modern technologies and technical advances. The Republic of Slovenia is a young European country but with a long tradition in landslide risk management that was always an important constitutional part of the organised landslide, erosion and torrent control activities that started towards the end of the 19th century during the Habsburg Empire.
Slovenia is coiled up by mountains, surrounded by Austria, Italy, Hungary and the Adriatic Sea on the one side, and Croatia on the other, this Central European country of two million inhabitants, which is only half the size of Switzerland, surprises most first-time visitors with the array of its landscapes and the rich cultural heritage. Slovenia has joined the European Union in 2004 and introduced the Euro as its official currency in January 2007. The same year, Slovenia also joined the Schengen Zone.

City of Ljubljana
The City of Ljubljana, the capital of the Republic of Slovenia, is a vital city which is developing with a clear vision, putting the quality of life at the forefront. Although, with 280.000 residents, it does not rank among the major European capitals and large cities, it combines in fact many facilities and services of a metropolis with the relaxed ambience and safety of smaller towns.
Ljubljana is the European Green Capital 2016.

Venue: “Cankarjev dom”
The WLF4 will be hosted by the Cankarjev dom – Cultural and Congress Centre Ljubljana. Located in the centre of the City of Ljubljana, at a walking distance from several hotels and the attractive Old Town. With 22 multi-purpose halls and function rooms and a maximum capacity of 2,000 delegates in the plenary hall, it is the largest purpose-built congress centre in Slovenia in terms of auditorium style seating.
Time to the 4th WLF